Oh ! How Long Is This Night !

Oh! How Long Is This Night!
Like a million murky serpents, tangled end-to-end
Slither thru my soul, spearing fangs of spite
Hope’s found in dark, an unlooked-for friend
My shadow’s faith, in the pious lies, of twilight

Oh! How Long Is This Night!
Like a train to nowhere, smothered blackest black
Seeks not the end, of the tunnel, afar sight
But a new tryst of love, with that cul-de-sac
Which downs the soul, of a spent-up knight

Oh! How Long Is This Night!
It smells of a cadaver’s, smoke and embers
Who ain’t yet dead, in the lap of blight,
Yet smolders on, haunting tale of whimpers
Strewn lullaby, left to, glean and recite

Oh! How Long Is This Night!
Like the restless wait, of a paramour
On a wrinkled bed, sleep’s endless fight
With a moribund soul, left astir
Till the dawn’s delusion, heaves in sight
Oh! How Long Is This Night!

© 2016 Vikas Chandra

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